

A team, with over 60 years of leadership development, procurement and business scaling solutions experience, delivers our services. We are passionate about developing people and businesses. We thoroughly address Key Leadership Zones and Business Scaling in our various customized Leadership Development and Business Accelerator solutions. From classroom learning to online learning in a variety of formats, our flexible programs offer a high-quality learning experience that is perfectly suited to your organization’s needs. Whether you prefer in-person or online learning delivery, our courses provide the skills and insights your employees need to master the challenges of the modern workplace. Our Business Accelerator Program is designed to work with you to build your entire business from the ground up. Identifying a profitable niche, building your website, and creating an online client generating funnel. Our expert trainers equip your leadership candidates to help their teams excel, enabling them to skillfully foster a collaborative atmosphere in which your business can thrive.








We customize plans that are tailored to your unique situations. From the onset we get to know you and your company culture through a series of questions designed to focus efforts on results. We LISTEN to your needs and work with you to formulate the courses of action that result in success.


Our objective is to assist you in identifying, developing and implementing your leadership style and plans through a series of impactful methods: Executive Coaching, Talent Management, 360 Degree Feedback, Management Consulting, & Leadership Development


Our purpose—our passion—is to build better work places and improve work lives. We’re excited, committed and engaged. We know that others can feel the same way about their work and working lives. There is energy here. We’ve created a productive, engaged and successful culture and we bring that to every client engagement.



Leadercast Participation

Hours Logged

Furthest Miles Traveled



We customize plans that are tailored to your unique situations. From the onset we get to know you and your company culture through a series of questions designed to focus efforts on results. We LISTEN to your needs and work with you to formulate the courses of action that result in success.


Our objective is to assist you in identifying, developing and implementing your leadership style and plans through a series of impactful methods: Executive Coaching, Talent Management, 360 Degree Feedback, Management Consulting, & Leadership Development


Our purpose—our passion—is to build better work places and improve work lives. We’re excited, committed and engaged. We know that others can feel the same way about their work and working lives. There is energy here. We’ve created a productive, engaged and successful culture and we bring that to every client engagement.





Small Business Acceleration Program


We are a virginia based global leadership consultant group. Building the 21st century workforce
 across industries and around the world, our learning solutions focus on one of the fundamental areas of human capital management – workforce development. Specifically, mcknight williams & associates provides skills training and consulting in leadership development, sales effectiveness, and customer service. Our workforce development programs adapt to both the unique needs of your organization, and to the world’s contrasting cultures. As an affiliate with the john maxwell team, we partner with team members across the glob. We stand ready to create customized learning solutions in more than 10 languages and dialects.


HR Support Strategies
  • Transition/Outplacement
  • Employment & Workplace Issues
  • HR Strategies
Why Transition Services?
Utilization of Transition and Outplacement Services is a tried and tested way to assure that your organizational investment in “change” will protect and reinforce the loyalty and effectiveness of your human resources assets. For the terminated candidate(s), our Outplacement Services will work to transform their transition into a new career opportunity.
Transition Strategies

Workforce transitions can occur as a result of organizational change, corporate mergers or restructuring, or, as a consequence of workforce reduction. However, in every case, organizational transition is always regarded as an investment that requires high returns with associated process and performance improvements. At McKnight Williams & Associates we understand the challenges arising from the necessity of workplace transitions, of meeting the immediate personal and professional needs of those who leave, while continuing to inspire the loyalty and maintain the high working performance of those who remain.

Transitional Support


We work with your organization and HR management to assist in the determination of optimal circumstances, strategies, plans and outcomes for the implementation of a transition program.

Immediate transition Support

We provide on-site transition/outplacement counselors to meet with departing employees immediately following notification of termination, to provide necessary support and assistance during a time of heightened emotions.

Ongoing Outplacement Support

Depending upon transition packages made available to terminated employees, our outplacement services include individual and group counseling, coaching, networking and other support services.

Mastermind Groups

What is a Mastermind Group?

McKnight Williams & Associates Masterminds are groups of individuals who intentionally meet together with a McKnight Williams & Associate facilitator on a regular basis to interact and share knowledge through the discussion of leadership themes and books for the purpose of creating mutual brainstorming/accountability sessions. These sessions assist and provide inspiration, motivation, problem-solving, encouragement and support for each member’s growth.

McKnight Williams & Associates currently offers the following Mastermind groups:

The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership – Professional Development

The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership is essential for everyone interested in becoming a better leader. This Mastermind group offers a detailed insight into John Maxwell 21 laws of leadership that Dr. Maxwell based on enduring values that are relevant to all. You will learn techniques to make leading by principle a practical reality. These guidelines are meant to inspire individuals to build stronger teams and to become better leaders.

Leadership Gold – Professional Development

We respect and revere great leaders, and we have the tendency to assume their accomplishments came about regardless of the assistance they received from others. The truth, however, is that no leader would be great without the support and help of teammates. As a leader, you will never get ahead until your people are behind you. This Mastermind Group based John Maxwell’s book Leadership Gold will teach you how to keep your mind on the “main thing.”

Put Your Dreams to the Test – Personal and Professional Development

Most people fail to realize their potential because their dream remains hypothetical. Put Your Dream To the Test takes your dream from ethereal to achievable. In this Mastermind Group based on John Maxwell’s book Put Your Dreams to the Test, learn how to crystallize your vision and galvanize your commitment.

Becoming a Person of Influence – Personal and Professional Development

Whatever your vocation or aspiration, you can increase your impact on others by Becoming a Person of Influence. In this Mastermind group, based on John Maxwell’s book Becoming a Person of Influence, learn simple, insightful ways to interact more positively with others, and watch your personal and organizational success go off the charts.

How to Be A REAL Success – Professional and Personal Development

People are inspired by and desire to be like great leaders yet become overwhelmed by the perceived knowledge needed to learn the skill of leadership. In this Mastermind group based on John Maxwell’s REAL (Relationships, Equipping, Attitude, Leadership) Series, learn what true success is and how to achieve it everywhere you go.

Everyone Communicates, Few Connect – Professional and Personal Development

If you want to succeed at working with and leading others, you must learn how to connect with people. And while it may seem like some people are just born with it, the fact is anyone can learn how to make every communication an opportunity for a powerful connection. In this Mastermind group based on John Maxwell’s book, Everyone Communicates, Few Connect, learn how to identify with people and relate to others in a way that increases your influence with them.

The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth – Personal Development

Do you believe that there are tried and true principles that are always certain to help a person grow? The answer is yes. Being passionate about personal development is the hallmark of what it takes to reach our potential. In this Mastermind group based on John Maxwell’s book, The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth Learn to become a lifelong learner whose potential keeps increasing and never gets “used up.”




It is both my privilege & honor to recommend Latrece McKnight! Latrece is one of the most visionary and transformational leaders I have ever seen during my 22 years of military service and over 30 years of service in religious non-profit organizations. Numerous times, I have personally observed her impressive ability to cast a vision, rally her team toward that vision, and flawlessly execute her plan to make that vision a reality. Her leadership ability parallels that of highly successful senior executives and she is routinely sought out by churches (large & small) as a premier consultant in “Youth Ministry” and other related programs. I have watched her inspire thousands as she connected with audiences at a level that only Latrece can reach them. I welcome the opportunity to work with her again and anxiously await her next project. No matter where she is or what she does, her impact will be great and her contributions significant!

Senior Training Analyst at Camber Corporation

Latrece is highly energetic and has a wonderful way of connecting with people. She has a humble spirit and is driven by a desire to inspire others. A true asset to any program or team.

Consulting & Law, PLLC

2 years ago

What an AMAAAZING Day of training Leaders Chesapeake Regional Healthcare. Our President/CEO Latrece Williams-McKnight-Speaker, Trainer, Consultant & Life Coach trained on the subject “Learning To ... See more

3 years ago

What a joy it is to know that your organization is making a difference.. #businessopportunity #businesswoman #leadershipdevelopment #ROAR #realsuccesscoach

3 years ago

What a joy it is to know that your organization is making a difference.. #businessopportunity #businesswoman #leadershipdevelopment #ROAR #realsuccesscoach

McKnight Williams And Associates

1245G Suite 303 Cedar Rd. Chesapeake VA. 2332



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